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Full Bio

Riley Ferretti is a Japanese-American composer and vocalist whose music explores the idea of human connection through choral, instrumental, and electronic music. Her inspiration spans numerous sources, from poetry to nature to personal experiences. She has received recognition from various competitions and organizations, including the 2021-2022 KMEA Collegiate Composition Competition, the Sixty-Second Annual Alumni Award, and the Chorus Austin 10th Annual Composer's Competition 2023 Young Composers Division.

She holds a B.M. in Music Composition from the University of Louisville, where she studied with Dr. Marc Satterwhite and Dr. Steve Rouse. She also sang in the Collegiate Choral and Cardinal singers under the direction of Dr. Kent Hatteberg and also sang in the Women's chorus under the direction of Dr. Won Joo Ahn. She also worked as an Alto Section Leader at St. Martin of Tours and was featured as one of two altos on the album "The Choir of St. Martin of Tours Hail, Gladdening Light."

She is currently pursuing a Master's in Music Composition at the University of Florida, studying with Dr. Tina Tallon and Dr. James Paul Sain. During her time at the University of Florida, she has performed at The Society for Electro-Acoustic Music (SEAMUS) and has had pieces workshopped and performed by groups like Ensemble Dal Niente. She is currently interested in the relationship between listening and performance. She is also concentrating on the connection between the voice and live electronics as well as the creation of unique textures in instrumental and vocal music.

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